

The International Conference on IEEE RFID Technical and Application is organized by IEEE CRFID every year. This time, IEEE RFID TA 2013 will be held from 4-5 of September 2013, at the Zon Regency Hotel by the sea, Johor Bahru, Malaysia.  This conference provides a platform for researchers, scientists, engineers, academicians as well as industrial professionals from all over the world to present their research results and development.



CORPORATE Minimum of RM50,000.00

1.     Official appointment as the Corporate Sponsor.

2.     Company’s logo prominently displayed on Conference Banners and Website.

3.     Company’s logo displayed on the backdrop for the following:

– Official Opening Ceremony (non-exclusive)

4.     Full Back Cover Page Color Advertisement in the programme book.

5.     Certificate of Appreciation.

6.     Free CD Proceedings.

7.     One free exhibition table.

8.     Opportunity to distribute product at event.

9.     Five (5) complimentary delegate passes.

PLATINUM Minimum of RM30,000.00

1.     Logo prominently displayed on conference website.

2.     Company’s logo, summary of products and services printed in the programme book.

3.     Certificate of Appreciation.

4.     Free CD Proceedings.

5.     One free Exhibition table.

6.     Opportunity to distribute product at event.

7.     Three (3) complimentary delegate passes.

GOLD RM20,000.00

1.     Logo prominently displayed.

2.     Company’s Logo, Summary of Products and Services printed in the programme book.

3.     Invited to the Opening Ceremony.

4.     Certificate of Appreciation.

5.     Free CD Proceedings.

6.     Opportunity to distribute product at event.

7.     Two (2) complimentary delegate passes.

DINNER RM 20,000.00

1.     Logo prominently displayed.

2.     Company’s logo, summary of products and services printed in the programme book.

3.     2 free seats to the Dinner.

4.     Certificate of Appreciation.

SILVER RM10,000.00

1.     Company’s logo, summary of products and services printed in the programme book.

2.     Certificate of Appreciation.

3.     Opportunity to distribute product at event.

4.     One (1) complimentary delegate pass

BRONZE RM5, 000.00

1.     Company’s logo, summary of products and services printed in the programme book.

2.     Certificate of Appreciation.

3.     Opportunity to distribute product at event.


(Half Page Black & White) | RM4, 000.00

1.     Company’s logo, summary of products and services printed in the programme book.

2.     Certificate of Appreciation.


1.     Company’s logo or company’s name on the bag that will be distributed to all attendees.

2.     Certificate of Appreciation.

3.     Company’s logo listed in the programme book.


1.     Customized pens will be given to each attendee at the registration desk and will also be placed at all Secretariat registration counters.

2.     Certificate of Appreciation.

3.     Company’s listed in the programme book.

NAME BADGE RM2, 000.00

1.     Everyone who attends the Conference must wear a badge to participate at the conference. Let the Conference attendees be your walking advertisement during the    events.

2.     Certificate of Appreciation.

3.     Company’s name listed in the programme book.


Name card size (Colour): 85cm x 50cm RM 500.00

Name card size (Black & White): 85cm x 50cm RM 350.00

1.     Certificate of Appreciation.

2.     Company’s name listed in the programme book.


1 Table with 2 chairs, size 2’ x 6’*: RM2000.00

* Terms and condition apply (Exhibitor have to bring their own banner / bunting)

1.     Certificate of Appreciation.

2.     Company’s name listed in the programme book.

3.     Lunch will be provided for 2 pax only.


1.     Door gift present will be placed in the Conference bags.

2.     Company’s name listed in the programme book.

3.     Sponsored gift for lucky draw such as hamper, cash voucher, product voucher, electric product etc will be given during the Conference.

4.     Certificate of Appreciation.


Click here,to download Patron Invitation Package booklet.

Posted in Patrons | 2 Comments »

May 28th, 2013

Call For Participant